Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Disappointment His Appointment

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." - Romans 8:28 (NIV).

The story of this one man had a profound impact on many of lives.

The year was 1920. The scene was the examining board for selecting missionaries.  Standing before the board was a young man named Oswald Smith. One dream dominated his heart. He wanted to be a missionary. Over and over again, he prayed, "Lord, I want to go as a missionary for you. Open a door of service for me." Now, at last, his prayer would be answered.

When the examination was over, the board turned Oswald Smith down. He did not meet their qualifications. He failed the test. Oswald Smith had set his direction, but now life gave him a detour. What would he do? As Oswald Smith prayed, God planted another idea in his heart. If he could not go as a missionary, he would build a church which could send out missionaries. That is
what he did. Oswald Smith pastored The People's Church in Toronto, Canada, which sent out more missionaries than any other church at that time. Oswald Smith brought God into the situation, and God transformed his detour into a main thoroughfare of service.

This story is of particular interest to many because in 1968 a special week of meetings for Oswald Smith. On a Wednesday night, Smith preached on the importance of the printed page. God used this man to deeply challenge about the power of the printed word. (Tracts & Printed Gospel Books)

God can use your disappointments, too, if you will surrender them to him with a simple prayer such as the following:

  "Almighty God, every sorrow, every trial, and every disappointment I surrender to you with my humble prayer, 'Not my will but yours be done.' Please take my sorrows and turn them into blessings and use them and my life to glorify you in whichever way you choose. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, In Jesus Loving Name I Pray, Amen."

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