Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Singing Through The Pain

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. - Matthew 11:28. (NIV). 

I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.- Jeremiah 31:13b (NIV)

Have you ever wanted to bring comfort to someone you cared about, yet after listening to his or her situation, you were left with a feeling of helplessness? Recently that happened to me. The phone call was so upsetting. As I went back to work, the caller's words kept tumbling over and over in my mind. Someone I cared about was going through rough waters. I could be there for her, but I couldn't cure her pain.

Later as I went about my work I became aware I was humming, and when I tried to identify the tune, I realized that I was humming the song, I Must Tell Jesus. "I must tell Jesus all of my troubles; I cannot bear these burdens alone."

It was a song I learned at my mother's knee. She sang it often the year my dad broke his leg and was out of work all winter. The song won't take our troubles away, but the words point to Jesus, the Son of God, who assures us, through his Word, that he is there to bear our burdens, and we no longer have to bear them alone.

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