I was up early this morning - 3:30AM, as I needed to drive my wife and four others to the Ontario International airport. They were off to serve in missionary work in Belize for a week. The door to our home had been a virtual turnstile for many days leading up to this trip, as many preparations were being done. The team be serving at Machaca Discipleship Training Center, and they were delegated to bring down all the shirts for the camp attendees, and to coordinate some activities as well - which included tie dying and other various crafts. I suspect each and every home of each of the servants was busy as well.
As I watched my wife completing the final details in preparation, I detected a slight bit of nervousness, which was unusual for her. Carol loves to travel, and is eager to help, so I quickly assured her, God was in control, and then reminded her of how she had felt the tug of the Holy Spirit 4-months ago, prompting her to attend this years camp. At age 49 (don't tell her I told you her age), she would be one of the older ones on the trip, and she was beginning to second-guess her decision. I suspect this had something to do with the Bible Blast theme last week for the children - it was all about the crazy jungle, and they showed all sorts of wild animals from Belize in some film clips.
Still, I couldn't help but notice something eerie when Carol took off all of her jewelry, including her wedding ring, wristwatch and her earrings and bracelets. I flashed back to when she had surgery a few years ago - when they were conducting their final details of prepping her for surgery. I actually never did like this aspect of surgery even though I know it is standard procedure as these items can cause potential complications. Even so, it seems to make you think about your life a little clearer as you are stripped of everything except what you came into this world with.
Well, this got me to thinking and I pondered a couple of questions as a result.
Q: What if we started every day leaving our homes thinking there may be a possibility of not returning?
Q: What if this was the last day living on earth - the last time you would see your family?
As hard as these questions may be to ponder, we are to do just that - think and live each day as if it were our last day here. The fact is, we would probably live it much more differently if we did. Jesus made this same point when giving an analogy about a wealthy man who had everything figured out within his own mind with respect as to how he would be living in his future. Look at how foolish Jesus says this is.
"The ground of a certain rich man yielded plentifully. And he thought within himself, saying, "What shall I do, since I have no room to store my crops?' So he said, "I will do this: I will pull down my barns and build greater, and there I will store all my crops and my goods. And I will say to my soul, "Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years; take your ease; eat, drink, and be merry." 'But God said to him, "Fool! This night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided?' "So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God." Luke 12:16-21 (NKJV)
None of us is guaranteed another day here on earth, and yet some live as if they have a guaranteed 100-years at least. And others act as if this life is all there is, and they look at dying as the end of their life. Well, the bible teaches us we will ALL live eternally - not just some. Some will live in loving fellowship with God - while others will live in eternally in torment, separated from God.
So, I guess some viable questions for us today would be,
Q: How are we taking care of those final details in our Christian walk - are we preparing to possibly meet God face-to-face today?
Q: Are we living our life for here and now, just like the rich man, foolishly making assumptions about how we will live next week?
Hey Christian, I want to encourage you to live as though God will be taking you home today - live in such a way where you don't have regrets for those silly arguments, or needless conversations. Spend your time with others in such a way where they know they are always loved.
STUDY QUESTION: How should we be living, or not living, according to the Scriptures contained within this devotional?
PERSONAL INVENTORY: Would you live last week differently than you did if you could do it again?
APPLICATION: Live today as if it were your last, and make sure everyone you meet feels the love of God coming through you.
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