Thursday, February 16, 2012

He Fooled Himself

"Be sure your sins will find you out." - Numbers 32:23 (KJV).

The story is told of a young actor who was trying to  impress an important movie director. The actor wanted to  send an expensive gift, but he didn't have the money, but  he had an idea. If he could find a valuable vase which was  already broken and get it at a very small cost, then he  could mail it to the director. He would think it had gotten  broken in the mail and would be impressed anyway.

So this actor went to an exclusive store and found a vase  that had been broken into many pieces. It was just going to  be thrown out, so he was able to get it at a very small cost.
He told them to wrap it up and send it and gave them the  address. He waited to hear from the director, but heard  nothing for several days. Finally he sent a telegram: "Did  vase arrive?" Shortly he received this response: "Vase  arrived. But why was each piece wrapped separately?"

As Abraham Lincoln said, "You may fool all the people some  of the time, you can even fool some of the people all of the  time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time."

But with God we can never fool him any of the time. "Be sure  your sins will find you out"—mine too!

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