Thursday, August 2, 2012

It's Like Me

Pray that I will proclaim this message as clearly as I should.
Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone. Colossians 4:4-6 (NLT)

I found myself a couple of Saturdays ago doing the very things I had planned for my day. I had put together a list of things that I felt strong about doing; I was going to clean some vehicles, and write a message for Mens study, and possibly even write a devotional or two. The day started out well with breakfast with my wife, and then I came back and started to wash my truck. I was listening to Christian radio, and a Kutless song came on, and I was listening to the lyrics, and I started to think about how it would make a sweet devotional.

The name of the song was, Its Like Me. The song is about how we have so many conversations with non-believers, and how so many times we end up talking about nothing. And then, there are times when we even speak of God, but we dont share about our relationship and what He is doing in our life. The lyrics go something like this:

My conversation is leading nowhere
And we talk of God but still I don't share
So many times that I just never saw the chance

It's like me to never see
When it came, when it went
Now it's gone away
It's so like me to never see
When it came, when it went
Now it's gone away

The phone rings with news that he's gone
Just the time I shared my heart was prepared and another soul was won
So much truth to tell, I am so glad I saw the chance

It's like me to never see
When it came, when it went
Now it's gone away
It's so like me to never see
When it came, when it went
Now it's gone away
Sometimes I still never see when perfect opportunities come my way
Would my care increase if I truly believed that a life could be saved?

Its funny, how we get our day all laid out, and we tend to like to do things in a certain order. We put a list together and we usually will prioritize it, with the first and most important thing at the top of the list, and the least important thing, at the bottom. This way, if we dont get everything done, at least well get the most important stuff done, and we can carry the other stuff over to tomorrows list. At least, thats the way I do it.

But what if something gets thrown into our day unexpectedly?
What do we tend to do when something, or someone comes our way, and we have to completely stop doing our list of things to do? It isnt always pleasant. And for some, it can be downright frustrating.

Ive spoken on this subject before, and Ill probably speak on it again in the future. Why? Because it is one of the more important fundamentals we, as Christians, need to have burned into our minds. We need to be available to speak to others in their time of need. We are to put the needs of others above our own. This is one of the foundational lessons we learned from Christ while He was here on earth.

Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Philippians 2:3 (NKJV)

Never is this lesson more important, than when it comes to sharing something the Lord has laid upon your heart, with someone who has come into your life. It is amazing how many times I have had people tell me, I dont know what to say, or God didnt give me the gift of speaking, or I was too busy to stop; I had something important to do, but Ill talk to them later. Truth be told, Ive done this myself. It is the nature of our flesh.

I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done. Philippians 3:7 (NLT)

Its funny how the Lord will test us on something we know to be right, just to see where it is in our priority schedule. As I sat down to type this out, (After I had washed the first car) I had two people stop by unexpected, and it took about 3-hours out of my day. I was able to spend time and share some things with them, and it was exactly what God wanted me to share. Gods timing is perfect, especially when it doesnt figure into our schedule.

STUDY QUESTION: How did the Apostle Paul feel about the importance of doing things to satisfy himself after he realized what Jesus had done for him on the Cross?

PERSONAL INVENTORY: Are you willing to stop your busy day and spend time with others and share what God has given to you?

APPLICATION: Make Colossians 4:4-5 your personal prayer today.

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