Saturday, June 16, 2012

Coming Into Agreement

For I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT)

I was reading an email from my good friend Brant the other day, and he was sharing a conversation he had with someone concerning the financial status of our nation, and I found his answer to the guy straightforward.

Here is a snippet of what Brant wrote me: I was talking with this one buddy of mine and he was asking me why I wasn't concerned about all of this like he was- I told him that it was because I had faith in the Lord and wasn't worried about much of anything else as a result.

There are so many people, like this guy Brant was speaking to, who sit glued to their televisions each and every day, continuing to sift through each program and digesting a steady diet of depressing news. They are infatuated with this information and their lives reflect it as they pass on what they see and hear, with those around them.

I dont like to think of myself as an ostrich, but when it comes to watching the news of the television, or reading the paper, Ive stuck my head into the sand, so to speak.

Q: Why?

A:Because it is like watching a rerun over and over again. And there is no offer of hope contained within the negative message that is blaring into my mind.

Whatever we allow into our head, we tend to ultimately act upon to one extent or another depending on how long we think upon it. And this is plain to see with what is going on with respect to our economy. I am not ignorant of what is happening, nor am I suggesting that we all just pretend that its not happening and forget about it. What I am suggesting is to fill our minds with something that will in fact change our lives, and the lives of those around us.

Lets face it; if were not getting any messages of hope within the confines of our news media, then we best look elsewhere. And what better place to look than within the Bible? Where else can one get a message promising them hope and a future, and plans for good towards them? Nowhere?

I, too, have many people whom with I speak to, who also have concerns over the economy, and what the future holds. I, too, am often asked as to whether I am worried about what the future holds.

I have to reply no as well, because I know that my Lord and Savior has the perfect plan. I trust Him! Its that simple.

I do have compassion on the people losing their jobs, and their hope, because the result is worry, doubt, anger, depression and anxiety. Relationships crumble like old buildings in a large earthquake, and peoples lives are devastated.

I couldnt imagine walking through life, dealing with these emotions and having to conjure up a way to make it through. The stress and worry alone would end ones life far sooner than normal, as hope would be limited to ones own perception of security.

Still, there will be those people who dont believe in Christ. They cling tightly to what they have acquired and believe that it will be what saves them. But thats not what Jesus told us.

If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it. Matthew 10:39 (NLT)

Heres the deal; we simply need to come into agreement with Gods plan for our life. He has a perfect plan for you, if youd only agree to let Him do it. He has every single detail figured out, and He wants to bless you beyond measure. Its our free choice to exercise, and it is mind-boggling to me how many people still say, no!

Im not suggesting that people start accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior to insure financial success. Fact is, you might be called to walk through this life with the bare minimum in terms of financial wealth. But you will have enough, and you will have total peace of mind. You will know youre going to spend eternity with God, and all those whove put their trust and faith in Jesus.

So your question for today is this:

Q:Are you in agreement with Gods plan for your life? Do you want what He wants to do for you, or do you want to go it alone?

If youre a Christian, youve already said that you trust Him with your soul, why would you doubt Him for the gas in your car now?

I want to encourage you today to start to think about the trust youve already placed in God, and to begin to ponder and meditate upon it. When you hear bad news, know in your heart, he has a plan for you specifically, and Hes going to see you through every trial and test. That, my friends, is some news to share with the world, and especially with those who are worried to death.

STUDY QUESTION: What can we learn about Gods guarantees for us in the verses above?

PERSONAL INVENTORY: Have you placed your faith in Jesus Christ as Savior yet?

APPLICATION: If you answered Yes to the question above, then apply this faith to the daily prayers for provisions, and enjoy the peace of mind. If youve answered No to this question, then I would strongly suggest starting a relationship with Jesus todayits amazing!

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