Sunday, October 16, 2011

Do you want to know the formula for building a strong business organization, better government and balanced life ?

King Solomon taught us how to build a peaceful empire, building a kingdom, in honor of God. Solomon's name means (peaceful) and (beloved of Yahweh). He was named from birth to be loved by God and peaceful, there is high relevance to His skillful wisdom of building a peaceful kingdom.

Why not use his formula and build strong businesses, better government, and stronger organizations that thrive through peaceful alliances to better the world at large within which we live?

I. Align leadership with God. By being in our higher power we can do great things.

II. Focus on your primary mission. Kingdoms without vision lack success.

III. Gather internal resources and form open trade. Sharing is a key to success.

IV. Consolidate leadership and eliminate sources of strife. Success breeds during peace.

V. Form strategic alliances to gain resources, skills, and open trade routes.

VI. Safeguard your valuable assets. Keep the most valuable assets of the kingdom in the most cherished of places.

VII. Rule wisely. Practice integrity in all dealings. Offer wisdom for wealth or vice-versa.

VIII. Celebrate Success. Keep morale high by recognizing achievement of goals.

IX. Avoid extravagance. Spend what we need to achieve objectives, but avoid lavish parties.

X. Keep your agreements. Broken agreements lead to the demise of the kingdom.

Let the lord speak to you, in a time like this where nations threaten war and challenge each other over oil and religious issues.

God bless you abundantly and make you a blessing to so many across the globe. 

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