Tuesday, May 1, 2012


This year I am participating in the A-Z Memory Verse Challenge at the blog She Sparkles. This week the verse for letter H was posted. “How awesome is the LORD Most High, the great King over all the earth!” Psalm 47:2
It just made me smile to read this verse! What a great truth and such a good verse to have memorized!
Awesome is a word we hear used frequently, probably many times in situations where the word truly does not fit. What does the word awesome mean? The dictionary definition says “inspiring awe.” And the definition of the word awe is “an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc., produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful, or the like.”
Awesome definitely is a word that we can use to describe our Lord! Since reading this verse in the Memory Verse Challenge, I have been thinking of ways that the Lord is awesome in my own life. Here are just a few from the past few days:
*An answer to a prayer. I had an answer almost immediately after praying which was just amazing to me.
*A colorful, swirly sunset.  The colors were just fascinating to see stretching across the sky.
*Remembering and reflecting on our Savior’s death and resurrection
*Receiving grace
*Hearing birds singing their different tunes before the sun comes up
* Beauty of a rose bush in bloom
When was the last time you have stopped and realized the awesomeness of our Lord? I challenge you to look for His awesome power on display in your life today.  Stand in awe of Him and all He has done!

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