Monday, May 14, 2012

Two Great Abilities

"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad." - 2 Corinthians 5:10 (NIV). 

Two of life's greatest abilities are dependability and responsibility. Dependability is learning to keep one's word. It's being there when we say we are going to be there. It's doing what we say we are going to do. It's keeping the commitments we make.

Dependability is also saying what we truly feel and want. Sometimes, instead of saying what we feel and want, we say what we think others want to hear to be "nice" and then do the opposite, which is far from being nice. It's being dishonest. A person who is not honest about what he wants and what he feels cannot be depended on. This is not saying that he always does what he wants, but if he is dishonest about this, you don't know when you can or can't trust his word.

Responsibility is closely related to dependability. It is realizing that I am totally responsible for what I say, for what I want, for what I feel, for what I do or don't do, for getting my needs met in healthy ways, and for every area of my life.

Unless I have brain damage or am severely handicapped, no matter what happened to me in the past, I am responsible for what I do about it and for what I become. As another has wisely said, "I may have been a victim in the past, but if I remain a victim, I am now a willing volunteer."

As long as I fail to accept personal responsibility for my life and blame anybody else for the difficulties I have, I will never overcome them. And I will B-LAME!

No matter what situation I am in, I am always contributing something to it. My responsibility is to see what that is and to correct it.

True, God loves us as we are but he loves us too much to leave us as we are. It is my responsibility, therefore, with God's help, to become the person he wants me to be.

Among other things, if I am responsible I will be dependable!

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