Thursday, May 24, 2012


Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy (Proverbs 28:13).

When you feel regret, stop and think. Evaluate your current direction. Now it becomes rather simple as you ask, “Is my life headed in the right direction?” In your mistakes, God can give you mercy.

Here’s an amazing thing: even when a person admits that his life is not headed in the right direction, the most common excuse for not correcting it is: “I just put it off. I know I should, I would, I could.” They’ve been putting it off.

At this stage, if you’re going to admit mistakes, some of us need to admit our apathy – our laziness. “The lazy person is full of excuses saying, ‘If I go outside I might meet a lion in the street and be killed’” (Proverbs 22:13, NLT). That’s a likely one, don’t you think? Try that one this week with your boss! “I really wanted to come to work today but that lion thing. . .” The Bible has some humor here. It says that part of the human condition is this: We will grab at any excuse we can to keep us from doing what’s really important.

I have served as the pastor in Mandeville for 18 years. I’ve preached hundreds of messages. You’ve made numerous commitments that you want to get your spiritual life together and you have as one of your big things in your life, intimacy with God. You say, “I need to learn how to pray. . .I’ve got to start going to Wednesday night. . .I need to take a class.” When are you going to do it? Then the excuses hit. “When things slow down. . .When the business takes off. . .When my kids get out of jail. . .” There all always be excuses.

Quit making excuses. Take responsibility. Nobody is going to change for you. Make “I could. . .I would. . .I should. . .” cuss words in your life. Change them to “I will. . .I am. . .”

“I will be the spouse that my husband/my wife has been praying I will be.”

“I am going to become the parent I’ve always dreamed of becoming.”

“I will take the steps to pursue intimacy with God.”

Nobody is going to do this for you. I don’t think most will defy God. I think most people just are not going to take life seriously. Life will slip by us, and we will come to the end of our lives with more regrets than we already have now.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, your blog really touches me, have been reading it for a while... Just wanted you to know about a website i started It's a place for Bible study guides.. I also put a forum in that can be viewed from a mobile device.. I couldn't find where to contact you privately so I'm commenting, hope that is okay. :) God Bless!
