Thursday, May 10, 2012

Lost In A Feeling

However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth... John 16:13 (NKJV)

Have you ever found yourself lost before?  I know I have and it is a miserable feeling.  I like it when I have a clear indication of where I am going and where I am.  I think we can all find these same situations from time to time in our Christian walk as well when we are challenged in our mind about whether something is right or wrong with regards to our beliefs.  The various cultures of the world, our environment, and the many teachings or opinions we have heard will have an impact on our thoughts.  When I find this happening I will immediately start to look for God's course markers in His Word to give me guidance.

I know the Holy Spirit is the best indicator when I am going in the wrong direction, as He steers me back on course through God's Word.  The Bible is irrefutable, and it ultimately makes up the markings I choose to follow as I allow the Holy Spirit to guide me (John 16:13).

I have seen many people follow their feelings and claim it was the Holy Spirit leading them, but they never cross checked their decision with the facts contained within the scriptures in God's Word.  This is precisely where we can get off course as Christians, and this can lead to all sorts of problems.  Don't get me wrong, our feelings can be great indicators to let us know something is wrong, but we should always look at the facts contained in God's Word so we can confirm if we are walking in God's will.

One of the most damaging things to our Christian walk is the temptation to believe the lies of the enemy through false teachings often associated with false religions and cults.  Many people have been led astray by their feelings after listening to a very crafty speaker telling them how the Word of God should be interpreted, understood, or applied.  This can happen when we simply listen and believe rather than opening our Bibles and studying it for ourselves.  God speaks to us through His Word and the Holy Spirit guides us into all truth as we read it.  This is the best way to keep from falling into false teachings.

I want to encourage you to meditate upon these things today.  Let's continue to seek good godly teaching and counsel, but let's not base our decision as to whether it is good by our feelings alone; let's base it on the facts contained within the Bible.  This is why Jesus prayed for His disciples to be made holy through the truth.
Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.  John 17:17 (NKJV)
STUDY QUESTION: What does John 8:44 tell us about people speaking from their own resources when they oppose God's teachings contained within the Bible?
PERSONAL INVENTORY: Are you willing to allow God's Word to be the determining factor for all of your beliefs?
APPLICATION: Let's continue reading the Word of God daily.  We will soon have a solid belief system with which we will be able to choose wisely. 

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