Sunday, August 12, 2012

I'm Drawing The Line! Part I

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith. Galatians 6:9-10 (NKJV)

As a Pastor, I often counsel people during difficult situations throughout their life.  It can be that their having a problem at work with a boss or co-worker, or it can be that they are having some problems in their relationships with a neighbor, family member, or even a spouse.  Each one of these struggling relationships has a few common denominators within them, and I feel that we can trace every failed relationship back to one final common factor.  

With that said, I would like to focus on the relationship of marriage for this devotional, but the principles contained within this writing will apply to every type of relationship.  So even if you're not married at this very moment, KEEP READING, because it will be something that you will deal with at some point.  With that said, let's take a look at this common factor that is a relationship (Marriage) killer.

It's when we come to the end of our own ability or desire to continue on in a relationship (Marriage) and we make the decision to say, "I'm drawing the line!" I'm done!

Well, I guess you can see why it is a relationship (Marriage) killer, because if you're not willing to work on it any longer, then it is pretty much dead.  Or as they say in the cooking world, Stick a fork in it, it's done!

I want to make one thing very clear here, and that is that there are certain times when we will, and should Draw the line.  For instance; depending on our spouse having a potential damaging vice, habit or destructive pattern, we should be able to set parameters within our relationship that will see these destructive patterns change.  But this type of drawing the line is not calling it quits on the relationship, it is merely setting healthy and safe parameters to get them back on the road to reconciliation with the Word of God, and to restore their relationship with the Lord, which will provide a conducive environment for a great family atmosphere and a healthy marriage. 

Ultimately as Christians, we are to be God's appointed support system and accountability partner to the one who is not walking in accordance with God's Word, and we are to do our best to help them to be reconciled to the Lord so they ultimately will be restored to useful service.   Understanding this principle and our role in it is huge, because when we are walking with the Lord, we will as a byproduct be able to sustain our own healthy walk in troubled times and we will be able to help foster a healthy Christian relationship with the one who is stumbling using God's Word as a road map. 

What I am focusing on in this devotional is those times when we choose to give up being that supportive spouse, and we start to look at our own quality of life, and weighing in our options as to how long we want to endure an ongoing bad situation.  

When we take our eyes off of Christ and put them on our selves and our situation, we can loose focus on God's will for our life, and what His Word tells us we're to do.  When this happens, we will begin to perceive ourselves as a victim.  At some point, we might even develop an outlook that says, I'm not going to submit, serve, or turn the other cheek, it's about me this time. 
All too often when we get to this point of frustration we can go horizontal by reaching out and beginning to talk with others in our life, and all too often, we get bad counsel that says, Hey you've done good for a long time, I don't blame you for throwing in the towel.  But we must remember that our ways are not God's ways, and that His ways are much higher than ours.  Simply put, we can't lean on our own understanding.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV)

In Galatians 6:9-10, we're encouraged not to grow weary of going good.  And we're told to take advantage of every opportunity to do good, and especially for those who are the house of faith, our fellow Brothers and Sisters in the Lord.

But what if you're married to a non-believer; should you still hang in there and continue to do good to them in the face of adversity?  Well Galatians says, to do good, especially to those who are believers, which means we do good to everyone.  And we're told that even if our spouse refuses to obey or accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ, that by our living a Godly life before them, it will speak to them without any words, and that they will be won over (See 1Peter 3:1, 2; 1Cor 7:12-16). 

In Part II of this message, we'll take a look at the three catagories that most of us that draw the line fall into.  And we'll start to look at how we should be acting and responding instead of contemplating walking.

Hey Christian, I want to encourage you not to get caught up into what the world accepts as okay, because most of the time it isn't, and it will never justify doing something that is not in the will of God.  Let's stop looking for a justifiable excuse as to why we should abandon a relationship, and let's start to look at the Word of God, and make a commitment to be what God has called us to be.

STUDY QUESTION: What can we learn from the scriptures contained within this devotional with regard to living a life that God has called us to, and for enduring the hardships in our relationships?

PERSONAL INVENTORY: Are you willing to come into agreement with God's plan for your life with regards to every relationship?  Are you willing to allow God to work through you so that other person may be restored in their relationship with God, or come to know Him as Lord and Savior?

APPLICATION: Seek wise Christian counsel and make sure it is in alignment with God's Word. Let God direct your path, and lean not on your own understanding.  Start to acknowledge God, and His will and you will stay on His perfect path.

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