Sunday, August 19, 2012

Perseverance And Endurance-Part I (God Speaking To Us)

    And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2 (NKJV)
    I wrote a previous devotional about a year ago called, No Walking Away! In it we looked at 5-responses we could have to challenges, trials, tribulations and times of testing that we will all face within our lives. Those 5-responses were:
    1.To run or flee from the problem
    2.To attack the person we perceived responsible for it
    3.To despair over it and become depressed
    4.To make a fuss or cause problems because of our situation
    5.To wait on the Lord after praying about the situation and to trust in His provision and perfect timing 
    I have written a 4-part devotional series called, Perseverance and Endurance as a follow up. In these writings, I wanted to look at some practical applications for dealing with these tough times as we stay the course of trusting God rather than faltering in our flesh and simply walking away. I would also like to look at the blessing of what we can expect in return when we persevere and endure. 
    I think all too often we have this concept that being a Christian is all about having this perfect life with no problems or calamities. And that once weve made a profession of faith, all those things that plagued us as non-believers will go away. Unfortunately that is not the case. Problems will continue to come our way. In fact, we are actually confronted with even more challenges and temptations. And some may actually feel that their life is now becoming a never-ending series of needless attacks; seemingly with no rhyme or reason. But this couldnt be further from the truth.
    We need to remember that God is in complete control of our lives. He has purposely allowed each and every thing to happen or come to pass in our lives. 
    There are many situations within our life that we will have to face that we may have had nothing to do with how they came about. It is especially important to know Gods Biblical truths so we can be prepared for these times.
     But I also want to make the point that many of these tests, trials and tribulations that we are walking through are because of our own bad choices. God knew we were going to make these poor choices, and He allowed us to exercise our free will. 
    But He is now using all of these situations, the ones we got ourselves into, as well as the ones we didnt. He is going to use these circumstances for multiple reasons, and this is ultimately shaping us into the image of Jesus. Knowing this, we should receive great comfort.
    Q:But how does this bring us comfort or give us some sort of reason as to why we are to endure and press onward with hope when these times come upon us? 
    A:One of the reasons we should take comfort and have hope when we go through these tough times is that God is actually speaking to us during these times. 
    He is telling us to, remember that this is not our home here on earth; Heaven is our home. This isnt our permanent body it is only a temporary tent (See 2Cor 5:1-6). He is telling us not to sink our roots into this world, and the things of this world, because they too, are only temporary things that satisfy our temporary fleshly bodies. And besides, well only end up being bummed that we wasted our time doing this while we were here on earth, as we go on to live eternally over the next billion years.
    Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. Matthew 6:19-20 (NKJV)
    I want to encourage you today to take the challenges and trials that you are facing, and to lay them at the Lords feet. Ask Him to empower you to see the opportunities to witness to others by your words and your actions, as you remain happy and content even in the midst of lifes challenges. 
    STUDY QUESTION: According to the Scripture above, what can we learn with regards to this world, and Heaven?
    PERSONAL INVENTORY: Have you lost some of your hope because of the things youve seen happening in our world over the last couple of years?
    APPLICATION: Dont place your hope in anything of this world. Place it in what God has done for you, and in what He has promised to do for you in His Word.

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