Friday, August 3, 2012

A Recipe For Success

Oh, that my ways were directed To keep Your statutes! Psalms 119:5 (NKJV)

When I teach men’s Bible study on Monday nights, I will usually bring them a batch of cookies my wife has made. Almost every night there will be someone commenting on the cookies, and there have been several times when I have been asked for the recipe. Hey let’s face it, a good cookie is a great thing, and having a recipe for something you like is valuable.

As I thought about this I was thinking how cool it would be to have a great little handy recipe for a successful Christian walk. So I went to the Book of Psalms and Proverbs and put together one. Instead of ingredients we will use “qualities” to add to our lives so we can be men and women of God. Here is a list of the qualities we need to add to our lives if we are to walk, as our Lord wants.
We must be reading God’s Word continuously (Ps. 119:05, 18)
We must be seeking the Lord in prayer continuously (Ps. 32:6; 86:6; 141:2; Prov. 15:8, 29)
We must be committed to Righteousness (Prov. 10:7, 12:3; 28:12)
We must hate what is false (Prov. 13:5)
We must commit every work or thing we do unto the Lord (Prov. 16:3)
We must use our words with restraint, and be even tempered (Prov. 17:27-28)
We must be humble, and have a respect for the Lord (Prov. 22:4)
We must be willing to confess and repent of our sin (Prov. 28:13)

God has given us a recipe for every area of our life, and if we want to live the fruitful life He intended for us to live we can be assured great success if we simply follow what He has written in His Word.

Open my eyes, that I may see Wondrous things from Your law. Psalms 119:18 (NKJV)

I want to encourage you to meditate upon these things today. Let’s choose to seek the Lord’s recipe’s for success in our Christian walk today.

Oh, that my ways were directed To keep Your statutes! Psalms 119:5 (NKJV)

When I teach men’s Bible study on Monday nights, I will usually bring them a batch of cookies my wife has made. Almost every night there will be someone commenting on the cookies, and there have been several times when I have been asked for the recipe. Hey let’s face it, a good cookie is a great thing, and having a recipe for something you like is valuable.

As I thought about this I was thinking how cool it would be to have a great little handy recipe for a successful Christian walk. So I went to the Book of Psalms and Proverbs and put together one. Instead of ingredients we will use “qualities” to add to our lives so we can be men and women of God. Here is a list of the qualities we need to add to our lives if we are to walk, as our Lord wants.
We must be reading God’s Word continuously (Ps. 119:05, 18)
We must be seeking the Lord in prayer continuously (Ps. 32:6; 86:6; 141:2; Prov. 15:8, 29)
We must be committed to Righteousness (Prov. 10:7, 12:3; 28:12)
We must hate what is false (Prov. 13:5)
We must commit every work or thing we do unto the Lord (Prov. 16:3)
We must use our words with restraint, and be even tempered (Prov. 17:27-28)
We must be humble, and have a respect for the Lord (Prov. 22:4)
We must be willing to confess and repent of our sin (Prov. 28:13)

God has given us a recipe for every area of our life, and if we want to live the fruitful life He intended for us to live we can be assured great success if we simply follow what He has written in His Word.

Open my eyes, that I may see Wondrous things from Your law. Psalms 119:18 (NKJV)

I want to encourage you to meditate upon these things today. Let’s choose to seek the Lord’s recipe’s for success in our Christian walk today.

STUDY QUESTION: According to Scriptures written within this devotional what did the Psalmist desire for God to help him with?

PERSONAL INVENTORY: Are you willing to apply the recipe above to your life?

APPLICATION: Let’s choose to prayerfully read the scriptures contained in the recipe listed above and ask God to help us in applying these things to our lives.

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